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P&M Coaching

Personal & Management
Coaching & Therapy
We strongly believe in the human potential of everyone.
We believe that if a person is in balance and makes a real connection with himself, that person can be who he wants to be and achieve what he wants.
Our goal is to help you discover and develop your strengths, talents and skills and assist you in healing old wounds.


Coaching & Psychotherapy
for individuals & couples
with private and / or
professional / management

Everything we have done so far was only a preparation for what we do today and make available to you as a person, employee, manager or leader.


Everything we do is about human growth.


We are entrepreneurs and healthcare providers with our hearts in the right place, we have a solid academic education, supplemented with clinical and business experience in various sectors.

Hand and Leaf

contact us

Katia Pelleriaux

0476 / 94.29.91




David Maegerman

0477 / 980.939




P&M Coaching & Consultancy bvba

Schransdreef 81

3090 Overijse

BE 0627.818.048

Covid-19 pandemic

Consultations are currently possible in our practice. We respect the applicable rules set by the Belgian government and expect the same from you as a client.


If you belong to a high-risk group or if you do not like to come to our practice, the coaching can also take place remotely via video calling. Discuss this with your coach or therapist.

Privacy statement

© 2021 by P&M Coaching & Consultancy bvba

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